Tuesday 6 October 2015

College Magazine Questionnaire

College Magazine Questionnaire

1. Do you read the college magazine?

2. What would you like in the magazine?

Choose your top three
(   ) College Events

(   ) Gig Guide

(   ) Subject Information

(   ) Technology

(   ) Problem Page

(   ) Job Tips

(   ) Puzzle Page

(   ) Fashion

(   ) Sports

(   ) Film/DVD reviews

3. What are the three colours that would attract you to the front cover?

4. What main cover image would you like? 

(   ) Student

(   ) Teacher

(   ) Students Work

(   ) Technology

(   ) Nature

5.What should the magazine be called?

6. How much would you pay for the college magazine?

(   ) Nothing

(   ) 50p

(   ) £1

(   ) £2

7.How often would you like it to be published?

(   ) Week

(   ) Fortnight

(   ) Month

(   ) Half-term

8.Would freebies encourage you to buy the magazine?

9.Would you subscribe to an online version?

10. What fonts would attract you to the magazine?


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